Welcome To Your Happy Place!

This page is great way to navigate quickly to all the Garden's Resources!

Our Resources

Explore the wonder of Mead

map of Mead Garden

Garden Map

Explore The Garden WIth Our Digital Map!

Little Amphitheatre


Browse all the beautiful locations you can rent for your next event!

Legacy garden


Explore the many locations within the garden to host & enjoy events!


Check out the latest events to come!

Interpretive Signs

Here is a digital collection of our interpretive signs!


Explore the habitats that exist in the garden!

Things To Do

Here's a list of some wonderful things to do at Mead


Explore some of the exciting life thriving at Mead!

Night Blooming Cyrus

Learn about our famous yearly flowering event!

Garden Fauna

Learn about all the wildlife thriving in the garden!


Explore all the seasonal birds who inhabit the garden!

Water Flowing Through Mead

Learn more about how Howell Creek flows through Mead Garden!

Make mead your happy place

Becoming a member helps support the non-profit that partners with the City of Winter Park to preserve and improve the Garden