OPEN daily from 8:00 a.m. to DUSK.
Admission is FREE to the public.
Mead Botanical Garden is located north of Orlando just off 17-92. Coming from Orlando, just after you enter Winter Park city limits, turn right (east) onto Garden Dr. Coming from Winter Park, just after you cross Orange Avenue and the railroad tracks, turn left (east) onto Garden Dr. This will lead you directly to Mead Botanical Garden. There are signs to guide you along the way, but Garden Dr. is easy to miss if you’re not on the lookout. The Garden entrance is at the intersection of Garden Dr. and Denning Dr.
Here are some of the things you can do at Mead Garden!

When visiting the garden, please be mindful. Take only photographs, leave only footprints.
Please note: It is unlawful to collect or otherwise harm any of the wildlife found in Mead Botanical Garden. Dogs currently are allowed in marked areas because so far their owners have conscientiously kept them on leash and have cleaned up after them. Please don’t ruin this hard earned reputation – KEEP your dog on leash and enjoy your visit. Don’t ruin this privilege for others.
Photographers and small businesses
You are welcome to use the garden for personal photos without props. However, if you are running a photography or other type of business (i.e. you are charging others within the property) you have to go through the City of Winter Park, provide a business license and acquire an open-air permit.